Laat uw vastgoedbedrijf

groeien zonder giswerk

Onze technologie maakt gebruik van kunstmatige intelligentie in combinatie met marketing suite 3.0 om nieuwe klanten binnen te halen. Dat betekent dat u nooit meer dure marketing agentschappen hoeft te betalen om klanten te krijgen of dat u zich nooit meer zorgen hoeft te maken over het opdrogen van uw leadstroom.

Facebook-advertenties die u zelf kunt lanceren!


Slechts een paar makelaars die we de afgelopen 4 jaar hebben geholpen

Dus wat kan onze service betekenen voor uw vastgoedbedrijf?

Je kunt nu eindelijk Facebook-advertenties op grote schaal uitvoeren door onze bewezen, best presterende sjablonen te gebruiken en deze zelf te lanceren in slechts drie klikken.

Start een bewezen FB-advertentiecampagne in 3 klikken.

We hebben duizenden euro's uitgegeven aan het testen van elke campagne. De koppen, advertentieteksten en advertenties zijn allemaal nauwkeurig afgestemd om kopers en verkopers in hordes aan te trekken. Kies uit meer dan 50 verschillende sjablonen (beschikbaar in verschillende talen). Plus elke maand meer toegevoegd!

Converteer leads naar klanten met robuuste automatiseringen

Op maat gemaakte nurture-campagnes die sms-berichten, e-mails, voicemails en zelfs Facebook-berichten verzenden om leads automatisch te converteren.

Eliminate Errors & Simplify Facebook Ads Management

  • You can launch ready to run Facebook Ads campaigns in just three clicks
  • You can select available “templates” or build out your own to allow you to launch campaigns effortlessly and without mistakes, perfect if you want to automate
  • ​These template contain everything you need to launch a campaign, including creative, ad copy and targeting
  • ​The campaigns are automatically built in the your Facebook Ad Account without you ever having to lift a finger

Praat met leads en klanten op één plek

Houd gesprekken bij, of ze nu plaatsvinden via sms, e-mail, telefoontjes of Facebook-berichten. Tweerichtingstekst inbegrepen!

Measurable Insight for the KPIs that Count

  • Macro-level data for better optimization and understanding of what works best
  • Improved lead gen thanks to smarter template choices and optimized campaigns
  • Actionable insights for budgets big and small – no more guesswork!
  • ​Detailed breakdowns of each accounts performance so you can hone in on your specific needs
Hey there! 

If you’re a real estate investor... looking to do more deals FASTER and EASIER than you ever have before, then you’ll definitely want to check this out...

My name is Phillip Caillavet and I help smart investors put more deals on the board every week in their business without spending more on marketing and by using a repeatable system almost anyone can tap into called the “Virtual Collective Method.” 

This "Virtual Collective Method" is a program provided to like minded real estate investment professionals to unite resources and generate motivated seller leads for less, follow up, qualify, evaluate and convert leads into contracts and closed transactions.

By utilizing the POWER of Facebook & Google Ads coupled with an automated follow-up system and process, we have an incredible opportunity to capture leads and grow a database of potential property purchases at a fraction of the cost than traditional marketing efforts.

You don't have to worry about any of the headaches that go along with creating & managing any of these complicated systems & processes.

We include everything you need inside our CRM, REI Prospect, which you will have access to.

All seller leads are exclusive to you and only you. The seller leads are automatically distributed and assigned via round robin inside the system.

With the proper follow up systems and nurturing, the return on investment (ROI) to program participants can be significant.

By combining resources we centralize our efforts, systemize our processes & do more for less.

What does a day in the Virtual Collective look like?

- Online Ad Campaigns Launched to Targeted Areas

- Exclusive Round Robin Leads are generated and tagged to Partner

- Lead Flows Into Collective Program CRM

- 365 Day Multi Channel Follow-up Sequence Starts on automation

- Motivated Seller Lead Responds to automation

- Lead Manager (Partner) responds to lead

- Lead Manager (Partner) completes Property Info Form/Script with Seller

- Lead Manager (Partner) to Set Offer Call Appointment with Seller (within 24hrs)

- Deal is Evaluated with the help The Collective if needed

- Offers options are generated to present

- Lead Manager has Phone Meeting to present offers and negotiate with the Seller.

- Upon Offer Agreement, Contract sent to seller for signature

At this point, you have a few options…

1. Start marketing your contract to cash buyers you find yourself...OR

2. Send the deal to us to Dispo to our Cash Buyers or Purchase Ourselves


- Completed & Executed Contract sent to Title Company

- Closing Scheduled with Title Company

- Property Inspection Starts

- Closing Settlement statement delivered

- Closing takes place

- Fees wired to Partner

- Repeat, Repeat, Repeat...

Seems easy enough right?

Also, we are a community of seasoned veterans in the real estate niche that openly communicate and share resources...evaluation techniques, scripts, contracts and much much more...

Inside this community you will have access to an endless amount of knowledge and resources which will allow you to offer motivated sellers more options.

- Pre-Vetted Cash Buyers

- Creative Financing Specialists

- Subto Specialists

- Short Sale Negotiators

- Lease Option Specialists

- Probate Specialists

- Property Managers

- Realtors

We are currently focused on the following Territories for our Hedge Fund partners that you are able to tap into for your deals:

- Atlanta, GA

- Orlando, FL

- Tampa, FL

- Jacksonville, FL

- Charlotte, NC

- Dallas, TX

- Houston, TX

- Indianapolis, IN

- 180+ other targeted markets

We have everything you need to succeed:

- Scripts

- Contracts

- Title Company

- Training Materials

But you need to ACT FAST...the Virtual Collective is limited to only 10 partners at a time.

We are delighted to have this opportunity to work with you and have you join the Virtual Collective.

Our team is committed to providing the highest level of service and helping you grow your business.

Your success is our top priority.

We pride ourselves on providing innovative solutions to make sure our Virtual Collective program partners remain ahead of the competition allowing you to dominate your market.

However, our Virtual Collective Program is in high demand and REI Investors just like you are scrambling to figure out how to take advantage.

This is the time to get in! This is your chance to grab a piece of the action while it’s still hot and affordable.

Don’t wait too long. It won’t last forever.

Enter your Information above and Schedule a time on the next page to get your questions answered.

Thank you again for the opportunity! We look forward to working with you.

-Phillip Caillavet

Founder, The Virtual Collective

P.S. I know this sounds too good to be true to some of you reading this.

Believe it or not, I've even left some of the best parts out because I didn't want to scare you off.

However, if you're the kind of person who simply doesn't believe any of this stuff, please do me a favor and do NOT request info. It will save us both some time.

And while we're at it, I'll just be honest, if you don't have any money to invest in this or yourself or your business, please also do NOT request info. Save us both some time.


Past Dit Platform Bij Jou?

4 tekenen dat je klaar bent voor dit programma

  • Je bent duidelijk over wie je ideale klant is en welke problemen je voor hen oplost.

  • Je hebt ontdekt hoe je geld kunt verdienen met je bedrijf. Nu wil je meer verdienen maar minder werken.

  • Je bent al begonnen met het bouwen van je eigen versie van een Duct-Taped Monster en je bent gefrustreerd!

  • U bent klaar om uw bedrijf te systematiseren, zodat niets en niemand meer tussen wal en schip valt.

Eliminate Errors & Simplify Facebook Ads Management

  • You can launch ready to run Facebook Ads campaigns in just three clicks
  • You can select available “templates” or build out your own to allow you to launch campaigns effortlessly and without mistakes, perfect if you want to automate
  • ​These template contain everything you need to launch a campaign, including creative, ad copy and targeting
  • ​The campaigns are automatically built in the your Facebook Ad Account without you ever having to lift a finger

Measurable Insight for the KPIs that Count

  • Macro-level data for better optimization and understanding of what works best
  • Improved lead gen thanks to smarter template choices and optimized campaigns
  • Actionable insights for budgets big and small – no more guesswork!
  • ​Detailed breakdowns of each accounts performance so you can hone in on your specific needs

Veel Gestelde Vragen

Hoe maak ik verbinding met het Platform?

U kunt uw Facebook-account rechtstreeks vanuit uw dashboard koppelen met behulp van onze plug-in.

Hoeveel campagnes kan ik uitvoeren?

Zoveel als u wilt! Er is geen limiet aan het aantal campagnes dat u kunt uitvoeren.

Op welke advertentieplatforms kan ik adverteren?

Uw advertenties worden weergegeven op Facebook, Instagram en het Audience Network. Dit omvat de Facebook-nieuwsfeed, Instagram-feed, Instagram en Facebook Stories, Facebook-zoekresultaten, Facebook Instant Articles en de native, banner en interstitial van het Audience Network.

Moet ik investeren in aanvullende software?

Helemaal niet! We geven je alle tools die je nodig hebt om te slagen als onderdeel van de VastgoedHub. Er zijn geen andere maandelijkse software-abonnementen nodig.

Is er een extra investering naast het abonnement?

De enige extra investering is wat u wilt instellen als advertentiebudget voor uw Facebook- en Instagram-advertenties. De meeste vastgoedprofessionals beginnen met een budget van €10 per dag, maar u bent vrij om dat budget aan te passen op basis van uw huidige marketingbudget.

Is het gemakkelijk om met het systeem te starten?

Absoluut! Het Sem Express-systeem kan in minder dan een uur operationeel zijn. Wanneer u inschrijft, stellen wij alles voor u in en tijdens het onboarding gesprek beantwoorden we al uw vragen en overlopen we alle functies. Geen technisch team vereist!

Welke sjablonen bevinden zich op het platform?

Alle sjablonen zijn beschikbaar in verschillende talen en worden geleverd met afbeeldingen, koppen, tekst en targeting. U kunt ook sjablonen maken. Sjablonen voor verkopers, kopers, nieuwbouw, enz..!

Kost het iets om teamleden aan het systeem toe te voegen?

Nee, het kost niets extra. Stuur gewoon een bericht naar support en we kunnen zoveel teamleden aan uw account toevoegen als u nodig heeft.

Wat is de snelste manier om het systeem te leren gebruiken?

Ons help centrum heeft de meest complete instructies voor het gebruik van het systeem en wordt bijgewerkt wanneer we nieuwe functies toevoegen. U kunt ook op elk gewenst moment een één-op-één-ondersteuningsgesprek plannen.

Wat als ik NIET technisch onderlegd ben?

Geen probleem! Elke gebruiker krijgt zijn eigen 'Sem Express Lead Pro' toegewezen. Bovendien wordt het volledige platform volledig voor u op gezet en gepersonaliseerd (met wat basisinformatie van u), zodat u kan starten zonder dat u zich zorgen hoeft te maken over de technische kant.

Biedt u ondersteuning als ik vastloop?

Natuurlijk! We zijn er om u bij elke stap te helpen! Er is voor niemand een reden om zich verloren of 'vast' te voelen. Begin een LIVE-chat terwijl u de software gebruikt, stuur ons een e-mail op: [email protected] en ons geweldige ondersteuningsteam zal er zijn om u te helpen met alles wat u nodig heeft om u te helpen slagen!

Hoe krijg ik toegang nadat ik me heb aangemeld?

Onmiddellijk na aanmelding wordt u doorgestuurd naar een aankoopbevestigingspagina. Op die pagina heb je de mogelijkheid een aantal basis vragen te beantwoorden zodat wij alles voor u kunnen instellen. Je ontvangt ook direct na aanmelding een e-mail met alle details die je nodig hebt om toegang te krijgen tot je dashboard. Als je ooit vragen hebt of hulp nodig hebt, aarzel dan niet om contact op te nemen met ons geweldige ondersteuningsteam op: [email protected]

GROEI uw bedrijf en HOUD meer omzet!

Hey there! 

If you’re a real estate investor... looking to do more deals FASTER and EASIER than you ever have before, then you’ll definitely want to check this out...

My name is Phillip Caillavet and I help smart investors put more deals on the board every week in their business without spending more on marketing and by using a repeatable system almost anyone can tap into called the “Virtual Collective Method.” 

This "Virtual Collective Method" is a program provided to like minded real estate investment professionals to unite resources and generate motivated seller leads for less, follow up, qualify, evaluate and convert leads into contracts and closed transactions.

By utilizing the POWER of Facebook & Google Ads coupled with an automated follow-up system and process, we have an incredible opportunity to capture leads and grow a database of potential property purchases at a fraction of the cost than traditional marketing efforts.

You don't have to worry about any of the headaches that go along with creating & managing any of these complicated systems & processes.

We include everything you need inside our CRM, REI Prospect, which you will have access to.

All seller leads are exclusive to you and only you. The seller leads are automatically distributed and assigned via round robin inside the system.

With the proper follow up systems and nurturing, the return on investment (ROI) to program participants can be significant.

By combining resources we centralize our efforts, systemize our processes & do more for less.

What does a day in the Virtual Collective look like?

- Online Ad Campaigns Launched to Targeted Areas

- Exclusive Round Robin Leads are generated and tagged to Partner

- Lead Flows Into Collective Program CRM

- 365 Day Multi Channel Follow-up Sequence Starts on automation

- Motivated Seller Lead Responds to automation

- Lead Manager (Partner) responds to lead

- Lead Manager (Partner) completes Property Info Form/Script with Seller

- Lead Manager (Partner) to Set Offer Call Appointment with Seller (within 24hrs)

- Deal is Evaluated with the help The Collective if needed

- Offers options are generated to present

- Lead Manager has Phone Meeting to present offers and negotiate with the Seller.

- Upon Offer Agreement, Contract sent to seller for signature

At this point, you have a few options…

1. Start marketing your contract to cash buyers you find yourself...OR

2. Send the deal to us to Dispo to our Cash Buyers or Purchase Ourselves


- Completed & Executed Contract sent to Title Company

- Closing Scheduled with Title Company

- Property Inspection Starts

- Closing Settlement statement delivered

- Closing takes place

- Fees wired to Partner

- Repeat, Repeat, Repeat...

Seems easy enough right?

Also, we are a community of seasoned veterans in the real estate niche that openly communicate and share resources...evaluation techniques, scripts, contracts and much much more...

Inside this community you will have access to an endless amount of knowledge and resources which will allow you to offer motivated sellers more options.

- Pre-Vetted Cash Buyers

- Creative Financing Specialists

- Subto Specialists

- Short Sale Negotiators

- Lease Option Specialists

- Probate Specialists

- Property Managers

- Realtors

We are currently focused on the following Territories for our Hedge Fund partners that you are able to tap into for your deals:

- Atlanta, GA

- Orlando, FL

- Tampa, FL

- Jacksonville, FL

- Charlotte, NC

- Dallas, TX

- Houston, TX

- Indianapolis, IN

- 180+ other targeted markets

We have everything you need to succeed:

- Scripts

- Contracts

- Title Company

- Training Materials

But you need to ACT FAST...the Virtual Collective is limited to only 10 partners at a time.

We are delighted to have this opportunity to work with you and have you join the Virtual Collective.

Our team is committed to providing the highest level of service and helping you grow your business.

Your success is our top priority.

We pride ourselves on providing innovative solutions to make sure our Virtual Collective program partners remain ahead of the competition allowing you to dominate your market.

However, our Virtual Collective Program is in high demand and REI Investors just like you are scrambling to figure out how to take advantage.

This is the time to get in! This is your chance to grab a piece of the action while it’s still hot and affordable.

Don’t wait too long. It won’t last forever.

Enter your Information above and Schedule a time on the next page to get your questions answered.

Thank you again for the opportunity! We look forward to working with you.

-Phillip Caillavet

Founder, The Virtual Collective

P.S. I know this sounds too good to be true to some of you reading this.

Believe it or not, I've even left some of the best parts out because I didn't want to scare you off.

However, if you're the kind of person who simply doesn't believe any of this stuff, please do me a favor and do NOT request info. It will save us both some time.

And while we're at it, I'll just be honest, if you don't have any money to invest in this or yourself or your business, please also do NOT request info. Save us both some time.


Klaar voor een echte verandering?

Laten we samen de Duct Tape™ dumpen!